
...a journal of happy rambling thoughts, of precious moments captured, of love and all its friends.

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Sunday Wanderer

Posted on: Monday, March 25, 2013

We are officially old.  Yesterday we went for a Sunday drive.  Partly so a small boy would sleep in the car, partly so we could sit in air-conditioned comfort on a hot day, but mostly because we just wanted to get out of the city and look at stuff.  Yep... old! The thing with these sorts of outings is that you invariably discover little hidden gems that you had absolutely no intention of discovering.  Our meandering drive took us to the little riverside village of Brooklyn, about 50km from Sydney on the Hawkesbury River.  In amongst the rusted out old dinghies and fishing paraphernalia that seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see, we stumbled upon Hang - Nicole Ruiz Gallery and coffee shop.  Heaven I'm telling you!  As we sat on beaten-up retro vintage furniture sipping our chilli-infused chai tea and eating ice-cream with chocolate sauce, it occurred to me that some of the most lovely moments in life come quietly and unexpectedly, tapping you on the shoulder with a gentle hand to remind you that happiness and simplicity are the very best of friends. 

Photography: Angela Steyn


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